Reason #6
Metro Trains
I love big cities. I have been to the metropolitans of Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Los Angeles to name a few. I love fast paced atmosphere, the endless supply of international food and the shopping! But by far, my favorite things in all of these cities are their underground metro trains.
I will speak about those in Montreal because it's where I spent nearly two months of my life. Those metro trains were one of my favorite parts and contain some of my favorite memories of living there. The first time I used them was to complete an "Amazing race" around the worlds Poutine Capital. With my group we'd literally be sprinting though the stations, not even stopping on those fancy moving side walks. W ran through those stations until they became something familiar.
Fastforward a couple of weeks and I was using those trains like a pro. I was confident enough to ride them by myself to get to one of my good friends who lived across the city. By not being a shy person, I'd have converstions with whoever sat near me on those under ground voyages and in turn got to practice my French. After big events, these trains were filled to capacity and you really felt a sence of closeness to actually everybody. It was gross, but enjoyable in a weird way. Kind of like chicken mcnuggets.
My metro days in Montreal past with only a single glitch, where my friends lost me while we were going out for a midnight dinner. We were all rushing through the turnstiles with me in the rear and of course, my card got stuck. As we were all extremely hungry, they hopped on the train without hesitation and left me behind. Wow! No wonder why metro trains made my 20 happy things.
Truth be old, being lost was kind of fun. I considered my self some sort of genius as my phone battery was at 2%, I wrote a couple of my friends numbers on my arm in eyeliner in case I found a payphone (which is extremely rare in 2015 btw). I made the rash decision to hop on the next train, in thoughts hat maybe I'd intercept them, ignoring completely the "hug a tree" rule and eventually found my friends a few stops down the line after I had begun to cry. It was an amazing adventure.
So, metro trains. I suppose he reason they make me happy is that they correlate with big cities. Big cities meaning constant stimulation, new people to meet and 24 hour diners on every other street corner.