Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27th 2015

Reason #1  ~~  My milk-frother

  It's sort of become culture to focus on the negative things in our lives.  We more often than not, use our negativity as a common interest to forge friendships, and I have received at least 4 texts today beginning with "ugh k so.." or "i'm done".  Why is that the case?  I don't know, but I'm thinking it may have something to do with constantly being bombarded with ads, tweets, instagrams or what have you's of people living a supposedly extraordinary life that we obviously fail to measure up to.  Gone are the days chalk full of simple appreciations.  i mean, never before have we had access to the camera lenses of celebrities and socialites who are literally paid to do fun and fabulous things.  It makes our local concerts and Mount Doug hikes seem nothing but pathetic.

So, my little goal is to write about 20 happy things. Significance, cost or size isn't relevant, anything that makes me happy merits a blog post, I've decided. Therefore, what better way to start then talking about my little milk-frother.

Named the "aero latte", this little gem was purchased my me for 20.99$ at a small little kitchen supplies store near my house.  It froths up almond or soy milk (lactose intolerant here) like there's no tomorrow, creating a frothy layer of magic on top of any tea. This tea and milk combination ( more commonly refereed to as a latte)  is one of the greatest drinks in this planet.  I've discovered that it tastes the best on top of my chai tea, or chocolate hazelnut.   Sometimes, I put the sugar inside of the milk before frothing it, instead of directly into the tea to create an extra sweet layer of frothiness.  It mixes whatever substance you put into the milk such as cinnamon or coco, evenly and deliciously.  It works on both hot or cold milk, and although I haven't tried it yet, I imagine it would also work as a juice frother!  *Side note being why would you want a frothy juice?

Why not?

At Starbucks, a latte is at least three dollars. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I'm saving a whopping three dollars every time I make one myself.

    So currently, the time is currently 6:13, and my mom is making spaghetti for dinner, which will be ready around 7.  The trouble is I'm starving and need something to fill me up but not so much that I won't have room for spaghetti.  Thank god for my milk-frother, allowing me a steamy and delectable latte any time hunger calls.

Now that's something to be happy about.

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